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Frequently Asked Questions

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Structure & Content

What are the content types available?You can specify the content type when creating it, the available options are:
  • Evaluation: For Adaptive Assessment or Spaced Repetition questions

  • Learning: For Smart Tutoring learning resources

  • SelfPosSelection: For SelfPositioning level selection contents

  • SelfPosEvaluation: For SelfPositioning evaluation contents

    More info can be found here.

How do I specify the content difficulty?

You can specify the difficulty of a content on a specific notion (KnowledgeNode) by specifying that when creating the KnowledgeNodeContent. More info can be found here.

How can I specify the skills, contents or tags related to a specific objective?

You can specify that when creating the objective with the objects attribute, where you can specify the skills (knowledge_nodes, knowledge_graphs and the tags. More info can be found here.

Is it possible to create objects by batch ?

Currently we support batch_creation for the ObjectiveStudent & the Event, documentation is available here.

Objective & Validation

How do I subscribe a student to an objective? You can do that by creating an ObjectiveStudent, you will need to specify some parameters according to the options you are choosing.
  • For ObjectiveStudent used for Spaced Repetition & Lock, you will need to set the memorize attribute to true and specify the memorize_options.

  • For ObjectiveStudent used for Smart Tutoring, AdaptiveAssessment & Hub, you will need to set the adaptive attribute to true and specify the adaptive_options.

    More info can be found here.

Can an adaptive ObjectiveStudent updated to memorize?

No, it is not possible to update the options adaptive & memorize. In order to modify the workflow, you will need to create a new ObjectiveStudent with the correct option.

What are the different validation strategies available?

The validation strategies should be declared when creating the objective.
The strategy can either be:

  • master: The validation is based on the mastery score of the student.

  • number: The validation is based on the number of successful answers of the student.

  • ratio: The validation is based on the ratio of successful answers of the student.

  • streak: The validation is based on the number of successful answers successively of the student.

    NOTE: You can also specify different validation_threshold for each KN with validation_tresholds.

How can I specify a validation threshold?

You can specify a validation threshold when creating your objective, depending on the validation strategy chosen, it can either be:

  • The mastery score to reach
  • The number of successful answers
  • The ratio of successful answers
  • The number of successful answers successively

Positioning & Adaptive

How can I create an adaptive learning course?

In order to setup your adaptive learning course, you will need to:

  • Setup your knowledge structure by creating the themes and skills to master, link.

  • Create evaluation and learning contents, don’t forget to specify the level of difficulty for each content.

  • Create the objectives to reach for a set of skills and set the validation threshold required.

  • You will need then to subscribe your students to the objectives you created earlier.

  • You are at this point set for adaptive assessment; you can retrieve questions adapted to the student’s level thanks to the CAT (Computerized Adaptive Testing)

  • For each question, you will need to send answers in a form of EventResult.

  • When no more questions are available, the CAT would have correctly assessed the student’s level and he will be redirected toward the smart tutoring section.

  • Recommendations will be sent to the student when the assessment is done, you can notify Domoscio when a student viewed the learning resource that was recommended by sending an EventRead.

  • When the EventRead is sent, it will increase the student mastery level and validate the objective.

How do I setup a positioning with attempts?

You can add attempts to your positioning by defining that in the attempt_options attribute on the ObjectiveStudent. You will have multiple options to choose from for the attempt workflow:

  • Attempt after first positioning, the second attempt will be created after the first one

  • Attempt after date, the second attempt in this case will be created at a specifc date defined in the options with next_attempt_date

  • Attempt after recommendations, in this case the second attempt will be created when the student views all the recommended contents

  • Attempts until validation, many attempts will be created until the student validates the objective.

    More about this can be found here.

How can I generate a positioning question for a student?

You can generate positioning questions for a specific student on a specific objective through the route: “recommendation_utils/1computerized_adaptive_testing” and you will receive the appropriate contents

How can I generate recommendations for a student?

You can generate recommendations for a specific student on a specific objective through the route: “recommendation_utils/fetch_content_recommendations” and you will receive the appropriate contents


Can I restrict the reviews to be sent for a specific period of time?

Yes, you can define a start and a deadline for the review session, this information should be specified in the ObjectiveStudent on the memorize_options attribute. More about this here.

How can I generate review questions for a student?

You can generate review questions for a specific student through the route: “/review_utils/fetch_reviews_questions” and you will receive the review question and the appropriate review date.

Events & Feedbacks

How can I notify that a student answered a question or viewed a ressource?

This can be done by sending an Event ,the request format can be found here, we advise that you use the xAPI standard and use the appropriate payload format, more info can be found here. The event type will be defined by the type of action the user has done, and can be defined as follows:

  • EventResult: to answer an assessment question

  • EventRead: to notify that the student viewed a learning ressource

  • EventReview: to answer a review question

    More info on how to send Events here.

How can I specify a score with xAPI standard?

The recommended format for the payload when sending Events is xAPI, the payload with the score should be specified in this format:

"payload": {
"result": {
"score": {
"scaled": 100

More info about xAPI can be found here.

Can we send external feedback to validate a skill or an objective?

External feedback on skills or objectives can be done through the ObjectiveStudentAssessment, it can be used to validate or invalidate an objective or to set the mastery level on a skill, more info can be found here.

Stats & Interaction Data

Is it possible to retrieve learning statistics and interactions data?

Yes, various statistics and insights can be retrieved from the LearningSessions, we offer 4 types of learning sessions:

  • LearningSessionPositioning: will summarize the student’s assessment of a specific objective.

  • LearningSessionAdaptive: will summarize the student’s statistics in his adaptive learning objective.

  • LearningSessionMemorize: will summarize the student’s review session when he answers review questions.

  • LearningSessionCustom: is a LearningSession that you can create by yourself (contrary to the previous 3, which are part of our workflow), you can specify a time frame and the session will return all the interactions done by the student for that period.

    More info regarding the LearningSessions can be found here.

How can follow the student’s memorization progression?

You can get a step review score linked to the state of memorization of the set of students. More about this here.

How can follow the student’s validation progress?

You can get the validation progress (percentage of validation, mastery score, threshold for validation). More about this here.