Version: Next

Objectives & Subscriptions

Create Objectives

An Objective is the set of concepts a learner should start to review at once. It can cover multiple concepts of a theme.

Method : POST​
URL : HOST_URL/instances/{instance_id}/objectives​

Here is a json input example:

{ ​
"name": "Learning the Universe", ​
"objects": {
"knowledge_node_uids": ["concept_1", "concept_2", "concept_3"]

To specify a pool of contents

You can specify a specific pool of tagged contents by adding the desired tag to the objects parameter as shown bellow :

"name": "Learning the Universe", ​
"objects": {
"knowledge_node_uids": ["concept_1", "concept_2", "concept_3"],
"tag_filters": {
"contents": {
"adaptive": {
"tag_uid": {
"include": ["tag1"]
"uid": "your_objective_uid",​

A more detailed documentation on how to setup Objectives can be found here - Link

Subscribe Learners to Objectives

Once the Objective is created, you can link it to the learner thanks to an ObjectiveStudent.

Method : POST​
URL : HOST_URL/instances/{instance_id}/objective_students

Here is an example of json input:

"student_id": 1,​
"objective_id": 1,
"adaptive": false,​
"memorize": true,
"memorize_options": {​
"deadline": "2017-11-15"

A more detailed documentation on how to setup Objective Students can be found here - Link